Happy Culture

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Essel Propack

Happiness is the core culture of ESSEL. We define ESSEL's brand attributes to be optimistic and positive.
In the emotional connection of the brand, we chose the element of "happy".
We hope that whenever and wherever people mention ESSEL, they will naturally associate happiness and thus have a good impression on the company.
In other words, the system advocacy of ESSEL's “Happy Culture” first gives employees a fulfilling happy mood, so that happy employees can serve ESSEL customers happily, and let customers who feel happy in service more long-term with With the cooperation of ESSEL, in the end, this long-term win-win cooperation can generate a healthy and stable cash flow for ESSEL, so as to meet the requirements of the company's shareholders and ensure sustainable production reinvestment to support the company's sustainable development. In the end, employees can share the benefits and growth opportunities from the company's long-term foundation.
This is a perfect closed loop of happy energy.

Essel Propack

Cultural definition